Possessor / Subject | Substantive |
The boy’s | Bicycle |
Ana’s | Car |
My father’s | House |
Others examples:
Demonstratives pronouns + verb to be | Possessor / Subject | Substantive |
This is | John’s | Book |
That is | Charles’ | Horse |
Obs1: When the subjects are in the plural, and finish with S, it just put ( ' ) .
Example: Lucas' mother.
Pay attention:
This computer belongs to Mary.
It's Mary's computer.
MARY'S is in the Possessive form, because 'S indicates that the COMPUTER belongs her.
Obs2: The possessive case can do with the Preposition.
Example: The book of John.
Obs3: When there are more of two possessors with the same possession, we put the 'S just in the last possessor.
Example: Chris, Lázaro and Laécio's bedroom.
Well, I'm being tired, but I will read the Paulo Freire's book.
Christian Nunes.